Particulate carbide-based desulfurizer and organic polar...
Particulate slagging composition for the extended optimum...
Pig iron
Pitch bonded refractory
Plant and process for the production of iron melts
Plant for and method of electroslag remelting of metals and...
Plant for producing metal melts
Plant for refining molten pig iron
Pneumatic injection of powder or granule through submerged...
Pneumatic steelmaking vessel and method of producing steel
Porous agglomerates containing iron and at least one further...
Powder for a wire cored with sulfur, cored wire and method...
Powdered desulfurizing reagent and process of use
Powdery desulfurizer composition
Powdery desulfurizer composition
Preheating parts of molten metal handling vessels
Preparation of tundishes
Preshaped blast furnace hearth construction
Pressure control in direct smelting process