A process for the recovery of value metals from material...
A process for the treatment of electric and other furnace...
A process for upgrading an ore or concentrate
A reactor and a procedure for melting combustion residues
A separation process
A vacuum-suction degassing method and an apparatus therefor
Absorption of zinc vapour in molten lead
Accelerated heat generation in heap bioleaching
Acid beneficiation of ore
Acid leach process for treating magnetic and non- magnetic...
Acid leaching of copper ore heap with fluoroaliphatic...
Acid leaching of lateritic nickel ores
Acid leaching of lateritic ore
Acid leaching of lateritic ores
Acid leaching of uranium ore
Acid leaching process for treating high grade nickel-copper...
Activated roasting of high magnesium nickeliferous laterites...
Activation of a mineral species
Active filtration and treatment cartridge for molten metals...
Addition agent in copper metallurgy