Backing steel alloy for bimetallic band saw blade
Bacterial leaching of copper and zinc without iron leaching
Bacterial leaching of copper, nickel and cobalt
Bacterial medium for zinc leaching without iron leaching
Bacterial oxidation in upgrading sulfidic ores and coals
Bainite steel and methods of manufacture thereof
Bainitic steel for moulds
Bainitic steel rails excelling in resistance to surface...
Bake hardenable vanadium containing steel
Bake hardenable vanadium containing steel
Bake-hardening hot-rolled steel sheet with excellent...
Ball moulding process
Balling process of a mineral or its concentrate with peat
Bare electrode for welding of low temperature steel
Barrel-shaped mercury separator with spoked agitator
Base metal recovery
Base metal recovery from a tailings dump by bacterial oxidation
Base metals recovery by adsorption of cyano complexes on...
Batch leaching process
Batchwise working-up recycling materials in a rotatable reactor