Imat modules with serial conductive stripes
Immersion sensor, measuring arrangement and measuring method...
Immobilization of biomolecules by enhanced electophoretic...
Implantation of installations of an electrolysis plant for...
Impregnated graphite
Impregnated graphite cathode for electrolysis of aluminium
Improved anode for use in aluminum producing electrolytic cell
Improved aperture plate and methods for its construction and...
Improved cathode
Improved copper bath for electroplating fine circuitry on...
Improved direct current chrome plating process and variant...
Improved electrolytic cell separator system
Improved electroplating method and apparatus
Improved electroplating system and process
Improved electrowinning anode and method of making such anode
Improved eletrolyzer
Improved lining for aluminum production furnace
Improved metal strip electroplating
Improved method of electrophoretic deposition of...
Improved process for coloring low temperature carburized...