Tank for an electrolytic cell
Tank for metal plating cylinders
Tantalum electroplating method
Technique for automatic quenching of anode effects in...
Technique of prestressing semi-permeable membranes
Tensioning mechanism and cathode rollers for fiber plating
Tertiary perfluoro-amino ethers and process for their...
Tetravalent titanium electrolyte and trivalent titanium...
Thallium-carrying target material and its production
The application of refractory borides to protect...
The bonding of bodies of refractory hard materials to...
The production of bodies of refractory borides for use in...
The sequential lixivation and precipitation of metals from...
The start-up of aluminium electrowinning cells
Thermal and electrochemical process for metal production
Thermal shock protection for electrodes
Thermally insulating structural components resistant to high...
Thermionic cathode heaters
Thermionic valve grid electrode
Thermoplastic fibers as separator or diaphragm in...