Method of manufacturing grid electrodes for electron tubes
Method of manufacturing luminous textiles
Method of manufacturing new synthetic fibres and other...
Method of manufacturing polyoxymethylene filaments
Method of manufacturing polyvinyl alcohol fiber of improved...
Method of manufacturing polyvinyl alcohol fibres having high...
Method of manufacturing shaped articles from crystalline...
Method of manufacturing silicon nitride products
Method of manufacturing synthetic fibres of polyvinyl...
Method of preparing a nonwoven web of poly (vinyl alcohol)...
Method of preparing fiber forming systems of acrylonitrile...
Method of preparing shaped products from polymers and...
Method of producing an acrylic fiber having an improved...
Method of producing carbon fiber and product thereof
Method of producing carbon fibers
Method of producing cellulose fibres with a decreased...
Method of producing colored high-strength fibers
Method of producing crimped polypropylene fibers
Method of producing electrothermal filament containing...
Method of producing fiber having functional mineral powder...