Water repellent textile finishes and method of making
Water soluble amine derivatives of perfluoroalkyl...
Water- and oil-repellent composition
Water- and oil-repellent, antistatic composition
Water-in-oil emulsions of fluorochemical repellents
Water-repellant insecticide for tent fabric
Water-repellent ethylene copolymer dispersions
Water-soluble solid-phase ironing aid freshening compositon...
Waterproof fabric
Waterproof plasma treated footwear with liquid absorbing...
Waterproof, weather-resistant and substantially non-...
Waterproofed fabric and waterproof article of clothing
Waterproofing of textiles
Waxless polyvinyl alcohol size composition
Wet abrasion resistant yarn and cordage
Wet extrusion of mixture of cellulose and...
Wettable polymeric fabrics with durable surfactant treatment
Wetting agents and their use as mercerising assistants
Whole spherical surface polishing device and a method...
Wholly aromatic polyamide fibers excellent in processability...