Salts of new hardenable, basic, ternary condensation...
Salts of secondary etheramines and their use as conditioning...
Self-steaming benefit composition
Semi-stiff collar
Sensitized vapor phase photo-grafting of monomers onto surfaces
Sheets and coated substrates prepared from heat sensitive...
Shrink-proofing keratinous fibres
Shrinkproofing and improvement in stretch characteristics of...
Sidewall functionalization of carbon nanotubes with...
Silicone coated textile fabrics
Silicone foam backed flame retardant fabrics
Silicone polymer compositions
Silicone polymer fiber encapsulated webs
Silicone textile finishes
Silicone-acrylate soil release treatment for organic textiles
Siloxane emulsions
Simultaneous desizing and bleaching of fabrics in a hydrogen...
Simultaneously dyed and flame-retarded fabrics
Single-bath bioscouring and dyeing of textiles
Single-bath preparation of cellulosic materials