A low friction centralizer
A measuring sonde for a hydrocarbon well
A mesh system
A method and a device for directional control of a rock...
A method and a device for directional drilling
A method and a device for expanding a body under overpressure
A method and a device for hauling a casing or the like up...
A method and a device for in situ formation of a seal in an...
A method and a device for regulating a fluid flow between an...
A method and a device for sealing a void incompletely filled...
A method and a device for solvent injection in a subsurface...
A method and a device for use in coiled tubing operations
A method and a system for determining the position of a...
A method and a system for enhanced flow line control
A method and a system for feedback control or monitoring of...
A method and an apparatus for mining a material in an...
A method and an apparatus for production testing involving...
A method and an apparatus for separation and injection of...
A method and an arrangement for controlling a rock drill
A method and an arrangement for controlling a rock drilling...