Methods and apparatus for preforming engine maintenance
Methods and apparatus for reducing inlet sleeve vibration
Methods and apparatus for sensing parameters of air flows
Methods and apparatus for structurally supporting airfoil tips
Methods and apparatuses for cooling gas turbine engine rotor...
Methods and apparatuses for gas turbine engines
Methods and system for cooling integral turbine nozzle and...
Methods and system for cooling integral turbine shroud...
Methods and system for recuperated cooling of integral...
Methods and systems to facilitate over-speed protection
Methods and systems to facilitate over-speed protection
Methods and systems to facilitate over-speed protection
Methods for the manufacture of a composite refractory...
Micro-circuit platform
Microcircuit airfoil mainbody
Microcircuit cooling for a turbine airfoil
Microcircuit cooling for a turbine blade
Microcircuit cooling for a turbine blade tip
Microprocessor controlled diesel particulate trap system
Microprocessor-based extraction turbine control