Passive bypass valve assembly
Passively cooled blade platform
Perfected system for setting turbojet compressor guide vanes
Photoetched cooling slots for diffusion bonded airfoils
Pilot flame tube
Piping support of gas turbine steam cooled combustor
Pivoting control valve actuator and support assembly
Plasma blade tip clearance control
Plasma enhanced booster and method of operation
Plasma enhanced compressor duct
Plasma enhanced rapidly expanded gas turbine engine...
Plasma lifted boundary layer gas turbine engine vane
Platform assembly for attaching rotor blades to a rotor disk
Platform for a turbomachinery blade
Platform motion restraints for freestanding turbine blades
Platform seal-tangential blade
Pneumatic hydro-electric power conversion system
Porous facing attachment
Porous laminate
Porous laminated seal element and its manufacture