Process for introducing voluntary detuning on a bladed wheel...
Process for making a one-piece rotor blade and corresponding...
Process for manufacturing or repairing a monobloc bladed disc
Process for purifying and deaerating the condensate/feed...
Process for replacing an abradable on the fan case of a...
Process for securing a turbine blade
Process for starting a gas turbine helicopter engine, fuel...
Process for the generation of electric power
Process for the rotational driving of a turbine by means of...
Production of turbines for turbine engines having blades...
Profiled blade of a fan and its application in motor-driven...
Profiled surface used as an abradable in flow machines
Projectile shield
Propeller blade configuration
Propeller brake for a turbo-prop engine
Propeller or fan shrouds
Propulsion of submarine vessels
Protection device for a turbine stator
Protection system for main motor shaft with integrated bearing
Protection system for transferring turbine and steam...