System and method of cooling steam turbines
System and process for monitoring airflow in a gas turbine
System and process for regulating the diameter of the stator...
System for admitting steam into a turbine
System for affecting the heat transfer in rotating...
System for connecting and locking rotor blades of an axial...
System for controlling variable geometry apparatuses in a...
System for controlling variable geometry apparatuses of a...
System for controlling variable geometry equipment for a...
System for controlling variable geometry equipment of a gas...
System for dissipation of energy in case of turbine shaft...
System for generating power in a pipeline
System for keying blade discs to a shaft
System for keying discs to a shaft
System for locking the blades in position on the stator case...
System for manually or automatically transferring control...
System for multi-mode control of a boiler feedpump turbine
System for operating a steam turbine and an electric power...
System for providing load-frequency control through...
System for tying moving blades