Submerged hydroelectric turbines having buoyancy chambers
Submerged power generating apparatus
Submerged water current turbines installed on a deck
Submerged water motor
Submersible power generation plant, driven by a water flow
Submersible turbine-generator unit for ocean and tidal currents
Super fast jet valve
Supply device for an impulse turbine
Supply of sealing fluid for rotary fluid machines
Support of flow deflection devices in wind turbines
Supporting structures for water current (including tidal...
Surface piercing tidal generator
Surface wave driven generator
Switched resonant power conversion electronics
Switching device for underwater turbine
System and method for conversion of wave energy into...
System and method for deploying and retrieving a wave energy...
System and method for extracting power from fluid
System and method for submerging a hydraulic turbine engine
System and method for the autonomous production of fluid and...