Device for supplying a gas-air mixture to burners in heating...
Device for supplying solid fuel to a furnace
Device for the combustion of fluid combustible materials
Device for the combustion of viscous fluids
Distributor and system for feeding wood chips for heating
Distributor apparatus for cinder and the like
Distributor tube for stokers
Domestic stoker
Draft regulator for high-low liquid fuel burners
Driving mechanism for locomotive stokers
Dry mechanical conveyor plant for pyrites and coal dust
Dry pulverized solid material pump
Dual fuel boiler
Dual fuel boiler with backflow-preventing valve arrangement
Dual register, split stream burner assembly
Duplex furnace
Efficient utilization of chlorine and moisture-containing fuels
Elevator casing
Equipment for the combustion of fluids with high particle...
Exhauster diffuser discharge valve