Cost-effective friend-or-foe (iff) battlefield infrared...
Countermass for recoilless weapons
Countermass for recoilless weapons
Countermass weapon
Counting device
Coupling pin for connecting weapon components
Cylindrical ammunition magazine for storing and discharging
Damped spring mechanism for a firearm
Detachable operating-handles for retracting a breech-bolt
Detent for a handgun
Detonating device, in particular for a propelling charge of...
Device for automatic transfer of rounds for firearm
Device for breech ring
Device for causing a firearm to fire in controlled bursts
Device for collecting statistical data for maintenance of...
Device for controlling ammunition consumption in real time
Device for detecting and counting shots fired by an...
Device for ejecting cartridges and/or cartridge cases in a...
Device for feeding balls into the ball chamber of a handgun