"a chiller"
"a vertical turbine for generating electricity from "in" and...
"achiever" series, lep-20943 school lighting system
"air and fluids pressure differential equalizing system" for...
"auto-share" hydrostatic drive
"automatic safety device for fire arms"
"cam bar centering mechanism"
"carnotto" & "s-a-v-e"
"compressor regulator and unloader"
"egg cup" projectile
"get home" oil supply and scavenge system
"j" tube discharge or feedwater header
"living flame"-type gas burner
"method and apparatus for controlling operation of auxiliary...
"mouse in a barrel" energy motor (class # f03g 7/10)
"multiple tuyere air box" for use on copper and nickel base...
"o" head design
"open" type clamp
"poker power" automotive steam powered supercharging
"push-on" self attach adaptive filter