Decorative luminary
Decorative radiator
Decorative torch for use with pressurized fuel source
Decorative tree lighting system
Decorative tree-like illuminated display system
Decorative waterfall supplied by a water wheel activated by...
Decoupled shaft seal for a progressive cavity pump stuffing box
Decoupler featuring helical wrap clutch spring and coil...
Decoupling arrangement between drive source and power train
Decoupling device for gearshift linkages
Decoupling isolator
Decoupling vibration isolator
Decoy with a simple safety device
Decoys for infra-red radiation seeking missiles and methods...
Decreasing friction of confined organic liquids in motion
Dedensification and delivery unit
Dedicated microcomputer-based control system for steam...
Deep chilled air washer
Deep core radial noise suppression treatment for jet...