Device for measuring the bath temperature in a fused salt...
Device for measuring the germicidal action of ultra-violet...
Device for optical spectra analysis by means of brillouin...
Device for projecting a defined light beam onto a...
Device for remotely measuring temperature and/or temperature...
Device for separating a white light beam into a plurality of...
Device for the simultaneous detection of radiation of...
Device for the uv treatment of fluid streams
Device for wiping optical window in turbidimeter or similar...
Device on a measuring and/or colour matching table for...
Dielectric waveguide sensors and their use in immunoassays
Differential radiation detection apparatus
Differential spectral topographic analysis (dista)
Digital method for matching stains
Digital occupancy sensor light control
Direct readout apparatus for measuring light transmitted...
Directional radiation detector
Disposable speculum
Dispositif d'analyse d'echantillons aux rayons x
Distance determining and automatic focusing apparatus with...