Matching foundation color to that of a person's skin
Material tester
Matrix thermal image sensor with bolometric pixel and method...
Maximum intensity measuring device
Measurement of optical density via nephelometry
Measurement of thin films minimizing wave interference effects
Measurement of waveplate retardation using a photoelastic...
Measurements of optical inhomogeneity and other properties...
Measuring apparatus for characterizing a surface having...
Measuring device for measuring a focused laser beam
Measuring device for optical and spectroscopic examination...
Measuring intensities of illumination over a light beam
Measuring light intensity variations
Measuring the emissivity of a product
Method and apparatus for a microscope image selector
Method and apparatus for back facet monitoring of multiple...
Method and apparatus for calibrated downhole spectral...
Method and apparatus for calibrating a laser wavelength...
Method and apparatus for classifying articles according to...
Method and apparatus for controlling reciprocation of...