Brightness enhancement film with soft cutoff
Brightness enhancement film, and methods of making and using...
Brightness enhancement structure of side-type lcd backlight...
Broad band antireflection coating and method of making same
Broad band optical reduction system using matched multiple...
Broadband coupler
Broadband diffractive diffuser and associated methods
Broadband fiber optic tap
Broadband grating
Broadband integrated optical proximity coupler
Broadband or mid-infrared fiber light sources
Broadband polarization transformation devices
Broadband rugate filter
Broadband switching system utilizing optical fiber waveguides
Broadband wavelength-division multiplexer/demultiplexer
Broadband wire grid polarizer for the visible spectrum
Buffer tube material for the pedestal environment
Buffered optical fiber
Buffered optical fiber having a strippable buffer layer
Builders' level