Graphic input/output device with fiber optic bundle having...
Grating and method and apparatus for forming same
Grating and method of providing a grating in an ion diffused...
Grating apodization technique for diffused optical waveguides
Grating assisted coupler devices
Grating based phase control optical delay line
Grating coil package for reduced fiber strain
Grating coupler with monolithically integrated quantum well...
Grating element, light wavelength selection utilizing the...
Grating having reduced mode dispersion
Grating waveguide configuration for phasars
Grating writing method and apparatus
Grating-based optical device with axial compression thermal...
Grating-coupled surface-emitting superluminescent device
Grating-in-etalon polarization insensitive wavelength...
Grating-type optical component and method of manufacturing...
Grin fiber lenses
Grin lensed optical device
Groove waveguide with reduced output divergence
Grooved-core cable for use with ribbon optical fibres and...