Technique for providing improved signal integrity on...
Technique for reading bar code
Technique for searching for contact information concerning...
Technique for secure remote configuration of a system
Technique for securely conducting online transactions
Technique for securing a system configuration of a postage...
Technique for sharing information through an information...
Technique for time-sharing a microprocessor between a...
Technique of controlling communication of installed...
Techniques and systems for developing high-resolution imagery
Techniques and workflows for computer graphics animation system
Techniques for acquiring updates for application programs
Techniques for animating complex scenes
Techniques for conducting a survey using an item selection...
Techniques for defining, using and manipulating rights...
Techniques for displaying one or more advertisements
Techniques for estimating sales of items through a...
Techniques for generating and executing browser-hosted...
Techniques for generating and managing electronic investment...
Techniques for handling inconsistencies in enqueue lock...