A 3-d acoustic infinite element based on an ellipsoidal...
A 3-d acoustic infinite element based on an oblate...
A 3-d display for time-based information
A 3-d electromagnetic infinite element
A anti keylog editor of activex base
A bar code reader
A behavioural translator for an object
A biological molecule based computing method based on a...
A border-less clock free two-dimensional barcode and method...
A bridging user agent and a proxy server for supporting...
A browser rewind and replay feature for transient messages...
A bulk communications process using multiple delivery media
A burst mode memory accessing system
A bus arrangement and associated method in a computer system
A business process user interface generation system and method
A caching engine in a messaging system
A caching mechanism to optimize a bidding process used to...
A calculation engine for use in olap environments
A card system
A cash handling apparatus having dual functional-key-type...