Data center for remote postage meter recharging system...
Date checking device for electronic postage meter
Deposit receiving machine
Destination label printer
Determining a toll amount
Device alerting to expiration in a franking system
Device and method for controlling a printing machine,...
Device and method for switching communications among taxis
Device for implementing total or partial cross-cut-outs in a...
Device for locating the position of a movable component and...
Device for personalising and distributing non-contact smart...
Device for processing mail in motion
Device for setting of date stamp in a postage-meter machine
Device for triggering a postage meter machine
Devices and methods for billing for an electronic prepayment...
Devices and methods for simplification of ocr-based...
Diagnostic control keyboard for a mailing machine
Digital postage franking with coherent light velocimetry
Digital postage indicia verification for inserting system
Digital postage meter system having a replaceable printing...