Device for slowing down spherical elements in a pebble bed...
Device for storing radioactive material in a building with a...
Device for supporting and protecting nuclear boilers
Device for the determination of the vibrations occurring at...
Device for the emergency cooling of a pressurized water...
Device for the selective positioning of a body on a tube plate
Device for viewing a field located within a hostile area...
Device to accept axial forces occurring on fuel assemblies...
Diametric expansion measurement
Differential pressure based lock
Digital nuclear reactor control rod position indication system
Dimensional measurement and inspection system of candu fuel...
Dispersion-type nuclear reactor fuel plate
Displacer rod for use in a mechanical spectral shift reactor
Dispositif pour la fermeture de tubes metalliques a parois...
Double-walled interior lining for prestressed concrete...
Dry cask handling system for shipping nuclear fuel
Dual valve tritium transportation and storage bed
Electrical circuit for providing an abnormal transient...
Electroless deposition process for zirconium and zirconium...