Electrical circuit for providing an abnormal transient...
Electroless deposition process for zirconium and zirconium...
Electromagnetic control bar drive device, with reduced heat...
Electromagnetic device for moving a nuclear reactor...
Electromagnetic method and apparatus for positioning objects...
Element distribution in nuclear fuel bundle
Elution of inorganic gel or hydroxide material
Embossed cladding nuclear reactor fuel element and...
Emergency cooling device for a nuclear reactor
Emergency cooling system for nuclear reactors
Emergency core cooling system for a nuclear reactor
Emergency disconnect means for the manipulator arm of a...
Encapsulation of nuclear wastes
Enclosure for housing a nuclear reactor core
End caps for nuclear fuel elements
End structure of nuclear fuel cartridges
Energy absorber structure for a nuclear power plant...
Energy absorbers for fuel channels
Energy absorbing structure
Extension shaft latching mechanism for a nuclear reactor...