Packaging assembly for a lithium battery
Packaging material for polymer cell and method for producing...
Packaging material for polymer cell and method for producing...
Packaging material for polymer cell and process for...
Palladium-cobalt particles as oxygen-reduction electrocatalysts
Partial oxidation reformer
Particle feeding apparatus for electrochemical power source...
Particulate electrode including electrolyte for a...
Partition wall for a bipolar battery, bipolar electrode,...
Pass around electrical contacts
Passivating nickel plaque battery electrodes using thin...
Passive electrode blanketing in a fuel cell
Passive electrode blanketing in a fuel cell
Passive microcoolant loop for an electrochemical fuel cell
Passive recovery of liquid water produced by fuel cells
Paste electrolyte and rechargeable lithium battery...
Paste for storage battery plates
Paste-like mass with inorganic, liquid conductors and layers...
Paste-like masses for electrochemical elements and layers...
Pasty materials with nanocrystalline materials for...