Mac multiplexing and tfc selection procedure for enhanced...
Mach-zehnder based filter demultiplexers and method
Mach-zhender interferometer (mzi) filter devices
Magneplex modulation
Magnetic commutator
Maintaining a global time reference among a group of...
Maintenance response signalling arrangement for a digital...
Management unit for asynchronous time division multiplex...
Managing bandwidth on demand for internet protocol messaging...
Mapping arbitrary signals into sonet
Mapping six (6) eight (8) mbit/s signals to a sonet frame
Matrix-controlled phase-pulse generator
Maximising power in optical communication networks
Means and method for telephone line disconnection in...
Means for synchronizing local clocks with remote clocks
Means of ringing over multiplex transmission channels
Means of testing underbalance
Measurement of noise in a communication channel
Measurement of noise in a communication channel
Measurement of noise in a communications channel