Microprogrammable tdma terminal controller
Microwave multiplexer with channels of varying fractional...
Microwave multiplexer with tunable manifold and method of...
Microwave subcarrier generation for fiber optic systems
Microwave transmitter/receiver apparatus
Mimo slotted aloha (msa) system
Minimal delay rate-change circuits
Minimizing jitter in qos networked gateway devices
Mismatch detection in sdh frame trace identifiers
Mitigation of noise signal contrast in a digital speech...
Mobile assisted handoff
Mobile assisted handoff
Mobile messaging short code translation and routing system...
Mobile radio communication system
Mobile radio communication system
Mobile radio communication system having mobile base and...
Mobile radio telephone system
Mobile station unit and channel switching method
Modem to be coupled to a directional transmission line of an...
Modem with automatic port reconfiguration apparatus