Galvanic cell having a resealable vent closure and a method...
Galvanic cell having improved construction
Galvanic cell having optimum internal volume for active...
Galvanic cell with anode of light metal, non-aqueous...
Galvanic cell with composite housing having a copper nickel...
Galvanic cell with negative zinc electrode and positive...
Galvanic cell with two seals
Galvanic cells and batteries having a novel grid, strap and...
Galvanic cells and methods of construction thereof
Galvanic cells employing uncompressed particles of fes as...
Galvanic coiled electrode cell with opening in outermost...
Galvanic current protected water heating element with...
Galvanic electrodes of amalgamated zinc and tin for alkaline...
Galvanic element
Galvanic element of the non-spill type
Galvanic element separator
Galvanic element with negative light metal or zinc electrode
Galvanic isolator for a frequency range of 40 to 900 mhz
Galvanic primary cell
Galvanic primary element