Pasteurization of carcasses with directed sheets of heated...
Pistol for slaughtering animals with automatic closure by...
Pork loin and back puller
Portable shelter for hanging venison and protect it from...
Positioning device for halves of slaughtered animal bodies...
Poultry cart and method and apparatus for killing poultry
Poultry stunning with carbon dioxide
Poultry transfer machine
Power operated apparatus for splitting carcasses of...
Procedure and plant for the stunning of animals to be...
Procedure for electro-stunning and/or electro-sacrifice, for...
Process and apparatus for recovering meat from carcase...
Process and apparatus for the splitting of a meat animal...
Process and device for cutting off and plugging the anal...
Process and device for extracting blood from slaughtered...
Process for gaining the meat from poultry and apparatus for...
Process for slaughtering fish
Process for the classification of large bovines, calves,...