Anterior support device
Anti-fatigue platform
Anti-microbial/-allergenic mattress and process of forming...
Anti-pinching device for use in a folding chair
Anti-scoliosis chair
Anti-surge flotation mattress
Antiallergenic covering for receiving objects contaminated...
Antivibratory and antishock device for vehicle seat shells...
Apnoea alarms
Apparatus and method for forming a frame for an article of...
Apparatus and method for pressure management
Apparatus and method for producing a ventilated chair...
Apparatus and method for setting furniture height
Apparatus for adjusting the position of the upper body...
Apparatus for attaching a display monitor to a seat
Apparatus for attaching fabric to a chair frame
Apparatus for changing disposable bedding on a mattress
Apparatus for packing free terminal convolutions of spring...
Apparatus for positioning a human body
Apparatus for preventing whiplash