Breast implant with radiolucent shell
Breast tissue engineering
Breathable absorbent articles comprising chitosan material
Breathable absorbent articles having a chelating agent based...
Breathable absorbent articles having a silica-based odour...
Breathable backing
Breathable backing for an adhesive article
Breathable perspiration pads having odour control
Breathing assistance apparatus
Bright peat moss product and method for making same
Brushite hydraulic cement stabilized with a magnesium salt
Buffered resorbable internal fixation devices and methods...
Buffered swelling media for radiation sterilized hydrophilic...
Buffered wound dressing materials
Building decontamination with vaporous hydrogen peroxide
Building ozone treatment system and method
Bulking agents
Bulking of soft tissue
Burn dressing
Burn dressing product