Simultaneous massager and current stimulator
Simultaneous stimulation for low power consumption
Single pass a-v lead
Single pass a-v lead
Single pass medical electrical lead
Single turn coil electrode for high frequency heating of...
Single-use cover system for electromagnetic treatment...
Sinus preference method and apparatus for cardiac pacemakers
Skeletal muscle control by means of neuro-electrical signals
Skeletal tissue stimulator and a low voltage oscillator...
Skin and muscle-targeted gene therapy by pulsed electrical...
Skin battery cosmetic composition
Skin contact pellet for bio-electric signal measurement
Skin electrode construction and transdermal drug delivery...
Skin permeation device for analyte sensing or transdermal...
Skin tanning and light therapy incorporating light emitting...
Skin tanning and light therapy system and method
Skin tanning system incorporating skin rejuvenating light
Skin treatment apparatus and method
Skin treatment phototherapy device