Method of depressing readily floatable silicate materials
Method of dry separation of less dense metal particles from...
Method of electrically causing solid or liquid particles...
Method of extracting oil from tar sands
Method of floating and flotation circuit
Method of floating calcium carbonate ore and flotation...
Method of flotation
Method of froth flotation control
Method of improvement of the yield of electrostatic...
Method of improving recovery in the hot water extraction...
Method of increasing the yield of oxidized coal in flotation...
Method of magnetic separation of cells and the like, and...
Method of making replacement collecting electrodes for an...
Method of manufacturing, concentrating, and separating...
Method of mineral ore flotation by atomised thiol collector
Method of operating a plurality of minerals separation...
Method of operating an electrostatic precipitator
Method of precipitating airborne particles
Method of preparation of a surfacing material from tar sands
Method of processing bituminous froth recovered from tar...