Alloy toughening method
Alloying method
Aluminium-strontium master alloy
Aluminum powder blasting slurry sensitizer
Aluminum-copper-magnesium powder metallurgy
Ambient temperature method for increasing the green strength...
Amorphous metal alloy powders and synthesis of same by solid...
Amorphous metal structures and method
An apparatus for bonding a particle material to near...
Anodes for solid electrolytic capacitors
Apparatus and method for building a three-dimensional article
Apparatus and method for cold working metal powder
Apparatus and method for cold working metal powder
Apparatus and method for forming powder metal gears
Apparatus and method for producing spherical articles
Apparatus and process to extract heat and to solidify molten...
Apparatus for and process of water granulating matte or slag
Apparatus for fabricating continuous elongated components
Apparatus for making metal oxide nanopowder
Apparatus for making metal powder