Carriage guiding a tool along a workpiece
Cartridge adjustment tool for a slotting cutter
Cartridge for holding a punch and a die for machine tool
Cartridge for holding a punch and a die for machine tool
Cartridge for improved adjustable boring bar
Cartridge type plasma torch
Cartridge type soldering iron with a releasable and...
Case sealer mast and trolley assembly
Casing slotter
Cassette changing apparatus for index-feed machining systems
Cast cutter
Cast solder leads for leadless semiconductor circuits
Casting crack repairing method
Casting impregnation process
Catamarah-type boat
Cavity for electron beam welding fo abutted elongated...
Cbn cutting tool for high-quality, high-efficiency cutting
Cell wheel for singling and separating seeds
Center free drill
Center locating feature in drill bit formed without a...