Zipper chain coater
Zipper chain machine
Zipper chain machine
Zipper closure with internal peel seal
Zipper for a reclosable thermoplastic bag, process and...
Zipper for automobile seat and seat equipped with said zipper
Zipper guide and spreader device for form, fill and seal...
Zipper guide system for form tooling
Zipper manufacturing machinery, the processes of...
Zipper manufacturing procedure and apparatus
Zipper material and configuration
Zipper slider assembly with diaphragm for flexible packages
Zipper slider with improved diaphragm for flexible packages
Zipper strip and method of positioning the strip transverse...
Zipper with anti-derailing ribs
Zipper-lock bag chain adapted for automatic loading and heat...
Zipper-lock bag chain with tearable strip interconnection means
Zippered bag having a pair of fastener strips
Zippered closure for flexible containers