Method and device for separating mixtures
Method and device for steam cracking of hydrocarbons
Method and equipment for multistage liquefying of...
Method and facility for refining oil
Method and installation for fixed bed conversion of heavy...
Method and means for charging foamed residual oils in...
Method and means for preparing and dispersing atomed...
Method and means for purifying petrochemical products
Method and means for separating gasiform materials from...
Method and ribbed tube for thermally cleaving hydrocarbons
Method and system for continuously preparing gasoline,...
Method and system for controlling a fluid catalytic cracker
Method and system for controlling the amount of anti-fouling...
Method and system for extraction of hydrocarbons from oil shale
Method and system for generating power from residual fuel oil
Method and system for reclaiming waste hydrocarbon from...
Method and system for regenerating fluidizable catalyst...
Method and system for synthesizing liquid hydrocarbon compounds
Method and system for the small-scale production of...
Method and system for treating a produced...