Palladium catalyzed hydrogenation of bio-oils and organic...
Paraffin alkylation
Paraffinic biologically-derived distillate fuels with...
Paraffinic froth treatment with conditioning to enhance...
Paraffinic froth treatment with input stream mixing
Paraffinic froth treatment with pressure moderation for...
Paraffinic froth treatment with separator having distributor...
Parafinic froth treatment with tailings solvent recovery...
Parallel steam reformers to provide low energy process
Parrafin settling inhibition process in crude oils and their...
Partial electro-hydrogenation of sulfur containing...
Partial oxidation of waste plastic material
Partial predilution dilution chilling
Particulate solids conveying and draining device
Particulate solids cracking apparatus and process
Passivating metals on cracking catalysts
Passivating of vanadium accumulated on inert or catalytic...
Passivation of cracking catalyst
Passivation of fcc catalysts
Passivation of metal contaminants on cracking catalysts