Bilipeptides and processes for their preparation
Bio crude oil, heat source and natural gas producing method
Bio-organic synthesis or dimeric lex (difucosyl y2;...
Bioactive compositions, natural methods of producing them...
Biocarburant preparation using pencillium funiculosum enzymes
Biocatalytic manufacturing of (meth)acrylic esters
Biocatalytic manufacturing of (meth)acrylylcholine or...
Biocatalytic methods for synthesizing and identifying...
Biocatalytic preparation of 1-cyanocyclohexaneacetic acid
Biochemical method for preparation of optically active...
Biochemical process
Biochemical process for the production of riboflavin
Biochemical purification of simvastatin
Biochemical synthesis of 1,4-butanediamine
Biochemical synthesis of 1,4-butanediamine
Bioconversion of xylan and levulinic acid to biodegradable...
Bioconversion process for the production of vanillin
Bioconverting microorganism
Biodiesel production and use in oil sands processing