Leaching of copper ores
Leaching of metal sulphides
Leaching of ni-cu-fe-s matte
Leaching of nickeliferous oxide ores containing iron and/or...
Leaching of ores and the separation of mixed sulphide...
Leaching of oxide materials containing non-ferrous values
Leaching of sulphidic mattes containing non-ferrous metals...
Leaching of titaniferous materials
Leaching of uranium ore
Leaching of zinc ores containing soluble silicates
Leaching ores
Leaching process
Leaching process for copper concentrates
Leaching process for copper concentrates containing arsenic...
Leaching process for metal ores
Leaching process for niobium and (or) tantalum minerals
Leaching process of zinc and iron containing sulphides
Leaching refractory gold ores
Leaching sulfide concentrates
Leaching zinc sulfide concentrates