Platinum deposition
Platinum enriched, silicon-modified corrosion resistant...
Platinum group silicide modified aluminide coating process...
Platinum-rhodium-containing high temperature alloy coating
Playing field obstacle device
Polycrystalline diamond member and method of making the same
Polygonal barrel spattering device, polygonal barrel...
Polymer article having a thin coating formed on at least one...
Polymer derivatives for treating metals
Polymeric conditioner for pretreating nonmetallic surfaces...
Polymeric organometallic films
Polymeric resin for depositing catalytic palladium on a...
Polyphenol compounds and treatment of substrates
Polystyrene compositions for plating
Polysulfide thermal vapour source for thin sulfide film...
Poppet valve manufacture
Porcelain oven rack
Porous electrolessly deposited coatings
Porous materials functionalized by vacuum deposition
Porous metal foam body