Object coated with carbon film and method of manufacturing...
Oil removing device for cleaning pipes that are present in...
Oil splitting aluminum cleaner and method
Oil-in-alcohol microemulsion containing oil-soluble...
Oligocarboxy-alkan-phosphonic acid and process for making them
Oligoquinolinium metal oxide salts as sulfur corrosion...
On-line iron clean-up
One side coating of continuous strand
One side surface molten metallic coating apparatus
One-directional uniformly coated fibers, method of...
One-step noble metal-aluminide coatings
Open pack heat treatment of metal sheet material using sized...
Optical fiber and apparatus for producing same
Optimizing process and device in a process for reducing the...
Optimum surface texture geometry
Organic coating characteristics of cold rolled steel
Organic coating of metallic substrates
Organic composite coated steel sheet having a high corrosion...
Organic composite coated steel strip having improved...
Organic composite galvanized steel sheet