Ice free self-releasing water tank anode suspension system
Imidazoline corrosion inhibitors
Immersion plating of silver
Immersion plating of tin-lead alloys
Immersion plating with noble metals
Immersion tin bath composition and process for using same
Immersion zincate solutions for treatment of aluminum and...
Impact resistant coatings for nickel-base and cobalt-base...
Impact resistant moisture impermeable resinous coating and...
Impact resistant thermal barrier coatings, coated articles,...
Imparting high-temperature degradation resistance to...
Impregnation of aluminum interconnects with copper
Impressed current cathodic protection of off-shore platforms...
Impressed current cathodic protection system
Impressed current cathodic protection system employing...
Impressed current rope anodes
Impressed current systems for cathodic protection
Improved acid corrosion inhibitor
Improved chromium diffusion coatings
Improved coating and method for minimizing consumption of...