Incorporation of biomolecules in thin films
Increased spacing of end electrodes in electro-deposition of...
Indirect electrosynthesis using cerium
Induction galvannealed electroplated steel strip
Inert anode
Inert anode assembly
Inert anode containing oxides of nickel, iron and cobalt...
Inert anode containing oxides of nickel, iron and zinc...
Inert electrode compositions
Inert electrode material in nanocrystalline powder form
Inert electrode material in nanocrystalline powder form
Information carriers, method of forming and copying said...
Injection of alumina into soderberg cells
Inorganic skin film and process for forming the same
Insoluble anode for electrolyses in aqueous solutions
Insoluble anode for electrowinning metals
Insoluble anode for the electrowinning of copper
Insoluble anodes for extracting lead from the electrolyte in...
Insoluble electrode device
Installation and process for multiple coating by dipping