Method for making carbon fibre preforms
Method for making carbon fibre-reinforced parts of composite...
Method for making pigmented synthetic filaments
Method for making polymeric extruded composite products and...
Method for making propylene monofilaments, propylene...
Method for making strong discrete fibers
Method for manufacture of hollow fiber
Method for manufacturing a mineral fiber product
Method for manufacturing graphite whiskers
Method for manufacturing high molecular weight polyethylene...
Method for manufacturing split fibers
Method for molten flux spinning
Method for obtaining filaments from essentially inviscid and...
Method for obtaining macroscopic fibres and strips from...
Method for preparation of heat insulating synthetic fiber
Method for preparing a regenerated cellulose fibre or yarn
Method for preparing carbon fibers
Method for preparing polybenzoxazole or polybenzothiazole...
Method for preparing single walled carbon nanotubes
Method for preparing single walled carbon nanotubes from a...