Method for controlling antimicrobial content of fibers
Method for depositing particles and a binder system on a...
Method for durable press finish using formaldehyde- free...
Method for enhancing rubber properties by using bunte...
Method for forming laminate nonwoven fabric
Method for functionalising a textile substrate by...
Method for imparting permanent press to textiles
Method for imparting soil and stain resistance to carpet
Method for impregnating organic fibers
Method for impregnating organic fibers
Method for improving an animal fiber
Method for improving aramid yarn bundle cohesiveness
Method for improving properties of ceramic fibers
Method for improving the barrier properties of a nonwoven
Method for improving the bleach resistance of dyed textile...
Method for incorporating antimicrobials into fibers
Method for increasing the useful wearing life of sheer nylon...
Method for liquid proofing an item by plasma graft...
Method for preparing fabric softening compositions
Method for producing a polyurethane/geofabric composite