Split type internal combustion engine
Spring loaded lever to operate control rack of fuel injector
Starting-enrichment control for a fuel-injected engine
Statistical air fuel ratio control
Stepper motor throttle controller
Stored temperature cold start auxiliary system
Super charger with fluid biased heat shroud for an internal...
Supercharged diesel plant
Supercharged internal combustion engines
Supercharged internal combustion engines provided with a...
Supercharger system of engine
Supercharging pressure control method for internal...
System and method for automatically turning off a vehicle
System and method for avoiding loss of prime in a diesel...
System and method for controlling fuel injections
System and method for displaying real-time turbine corrected...
System and method for enhancing rapid warm-up catalytic...
System and method for measuring recirculated exhaust gas...
System and method for operating an internal combustion...
System and method for predicting quantity of injected fuel...